Awareness & Breathing Coaching For Females

Jane is passionate about supporting women to feel empowered to improve their own health in a way that is incremental, accessible, habit driven and based on awareness. For many this starts with addressing dysfunctional breathing and general body awareness.
Coaching for Corporates | Individuals | Groups
What should women expect from Awareness & Breathing Coaching with Jane Tarrant?
Within a short number of weeks, Jane supports her female clients to feel more in touch with their own bodies, recognise daily habits which before went unnoticed and start to lay the foundations of a much healthier, happier and kinder (including to themselves) life.
Every woman’s life and health situation is unique and therefore the Awareness and Breathing Coaching is also bespoke for each female client.
Common Female Client Concern = “I don’t get the time to focus on myself”
It is common for female awareness and breathing coaching clients to feel like they don’t have the time to put in the effort required to do anything let alone improve their health. Jane works with women in this situation to take a step back and review their life with an objective perspective. Whilst dysfunctional breathing coaching amongst other simple health management tools may improve your health issues and symptoms, it is common to need to address family and work pressures, time management, people pleasing tendencies and habits in order to make the ‘mental space’ or indeed physical time to dedicate a handful of minutes a day to improving your health.
Common Female Client Concern = “I feel uncomfortable talking about certain things”
Jane is entirely comfortable talking about all kinds of topics including taboo topics. She has a relaxed conversational approach, allowing clients to feel comfortable very quickly. Feedback from clients has been, “You are literally the best person on planet earth to talk to about taboo topics!” or “I feel embarrassed about this but I already feel comfortable talking to you about it.” If there are areas of conversation you feel too uncomfortable with, Jane works around them until a time that you might feel more comfortable.

Common Symptoms List For Female Awareness & Breathing Clients
What you notice
Bloating and discomfort
Muscle fatigue
Negative self talk
Brain fog or difficulty concentrating
Changeable stool (“pebbledash”, “constipated”, “rabbit droppings”, “super stinky”)
Breathlessness (for some only noticed during activity, for others even when at rest)
Delayed recovery
How You Feel
Feeling overstretched
Frustrated and irritable
Unrefreshed after sleep
Lack of interest in sex, pain during sex or difficulty orgasming
Feeling old despite not being old
Lethargic and uncomfortable after certain foods
Unsafe or uncomfortable
Not the [mum/wife/friend] you want to be
Common Symptoms For Female Breathing Clients
For Breathing Pattern Disorder Females with Hyperventilation (aka overbreathing) or Dysfunctional Breathing
The quantity of breathing symptoms will depend on your type and level of breathing pattern disorder:
Mouth breathing
Breath holding (e.g. during emails or night time)
Air hunger
Tight chest
Dry throat
Dry mouth
Dry lips
Bad breath
Tight muscles in neck, back and shoulders
Teeth becoming more crooked
Panic attacks
Excess wind
Cramps / tremors
Palpitations (noticeable heartbeats)
Chest pain
Unreal feelings
Pins and needles in fingers and toes
Long COVID symptoms