What is breathing retraining?
Breathing retraining with LiNK BREATHING is the process of taking breathing habits back to basics, improving awareness, addressing unhealthy habits and gradually training new healthier breathing habits over time.
Conscious breathing habits then influence subconscious breathing habits, resulting in powerful changes to mood, productivity, sleep, concentration, physical performance and relationships.
How do I know if LiNK BREATHING could help me?
LiNK BREATHING specialises in helping over-breathers, i.e. anyone with the following symptoms:
Panic attacks
High anxiety
High stress
Mouth breathing
Nose feels too small
Poor sleep quality
looking to improve their quality of life, performance and recovery, as well as obtain the knowledge to help their loved ones, e.g. children.
Is this you?
If so, book a breathing assessment or 1-2-1 call about your current situation. This is your opportunity to see if I am the right person for you. During this call we will discuss your current breathing patterns, symptoms and quality of life. We will discuss what you are hoping to achieve and what sort of support you may need.
If a breathing retraining course or breathing retraining and awareness coaching seem suitable, I will suggest a couple of options based on your unique situation. I will support you to make the best decision for you, even if that isn’t me.
What are unhealthy breathing habits?
You may recognise the following unhealthy breathing habits as part of your usual breathing patterns.
Mouth breathing
Sleep Apnoea
Over-breathing or hyperventilation
Shallow breathing
Fast breathing
Upper chest breathing during rest
Restricted diaphragm breathing
Intermittent breathing
Regular sighing or yawning
Regular stress breath holding e.g. during emails ' aka email apnoea'
We breathe more than 20,000 times per day. Imagine if those 20,000 were just slightly healthier each time. That is incremental improvement with very little effort.
How much does breathing retraining cost?
LiNK BREATHING is aware that not everyone has the same means or available time. Each client will receive bespoke advice as to the most cost effective or efficient route for them, based on their needs and situation. With options of varying price ranges, there is always an option to suit. Course prices start from £150+VAT.
There are three typical models:
£ - Online courses with group support
££ - Hybrid support of One-to-One support calls with Online Video Learning
£££ - One-to-One training with between session support
Breathing Retraining Testimonials
Client Case Study
Breathing retraining for snoring, sleep apnoea, broken sleep, low energy, breathlessness, anxiety and reduced quality of life:
Breathing retraining was life changing for my client with a restricted airway and paralysed vocal chord causing breathing difficulties, snoring and sleep apnoea. As many as 25 years after his accident, he was recommended to LiNK BREATHING by his friend (also an existing breathing and awareness coaching client), because he felt it could help him.
After 25 years, he was able to not only start running but take up paddle boarding. The difference I received via text during his recent trip was, "Lost breath a few times but I have jumped back on in seconds rather than minutes."
Having been forced to sleep separately on a yoga mat downstairs in order to protect his family's sleep, he has been able to return to sharing a bed with his wife and even enjoy camping without feeling embarrassed by his snoring.
Previously waking every 40 minutes to 2.5 hours and being fearful to go back to sleep after waking from an episode of sleep apnoea, he now feels comfortable sleeping through the whole night, averaging 7.5 hours without waking. This is without the use of a CPAP machine.
Energy is now a norm, not a luxury. Relationships have improved.
My client is now living a "More happy and healthy life. More positive and hopeful life."
Can it really be as simple as retraining your breathing? Yes it can. For some it is a massive missing piece. For others it is an accessible starting point to improve other health foundations via better awareness.

Intrigued by breathing awareness and breathing retraining but still unsure if you want to proceed?
Just have a chat and see if coaching with Jane is right for you…
Although, some of my clients focus almost entirely on their breathing retraining, others benefit from:
a safe space to discuss anything
the chance to explore other areas of body awareness
accountability for incremental habit changes
support to improve habit stacking in general
support on improved awareness for better relationships at work and in the home
the opportunity to bring what they’ve benefitted from to their colleagues (via corporate coaching)
This is where Breathing & Awareness Coaching comes in
Currently available online (or in Bicester, Oxfordshire)
Book a call